Outsourced vehicle maintenance
Outsource the daily details of your vehicle maintenance to a team of technicians that are specially trained for the job.
You save on unnecessary maintenance expenses while ensuring your vehicles are being maintained with manufacturer-approved parts.
Our technicians at the Avis Fleet Maintenance Call Centre will ensure authorisation is only given for necessary maintenance that complies with manufacturers’ standards and is in line with manufacturer service guidelines.
For a fixed monthly premium, your maintenance requests will be fully scrutinised and checked line-by-line against the Avis Fleet’s database of parts, labour and service operators.
You are guaranteed that jobs warranties and service or maintenance plans are carried out in line with manufacturers’ stipulations. Job cards and invoices are thoroughly assessed before payments are made.
Avis Fleet sends you monthly consolidated tax invoices and provides for exception reports. We also provide monthly fleet reports that highlight cost savings and monthly management reports of fixed and variable costs.
The Avis Fleet Managed Maintenance solution reduces the risk of non-compliance, helps you avoid overspending on unnecessary maintenance and services, and gives you a fully traceability maintenance and service history of your vehicles.